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Time Reverse

By Obatsa |05 February, 2020| 4,750

Words spoken can never be taken back, hearts broken can never be unbroken (only mended) and experiences from a particular episode of your life can never be experienced the same way. How you made someone feel yesterday is different from how you make them feel today, even if you are re-enacting the same scene. Life has no break; you either live in the moment or you miss the chance. With that in mind, some of us have resorted to living carefully and planning every second of our lives to prevent ourselves from making mistakes and avoid situations and words we can’t take back, whereas, some have resorted to living carefree and allowing themselves enjoy every second of this short life; because it is really short.

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Dedicated to you

By Kevin's poetry |05 February, 2020| 268

Why should I sleep when I'm living the number one dream?She was the
best dream that happened to me.Many a times I could worry if the
dream would happen but now its a happy ever after.Dream Come

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By Lynne |05 February, 2020| 243

Having sleepless nights and waking up early if by any chance Insomnia also slept. And all I get to do is look for my phone, not remembering where I left it at before I woke up to this, (I slept of course). My phone is always on the floor when not under the pillow. So today it happened that it was on the floor because I slept off stalking this girl I met on Instagram. And wanting to get into her DM and tell her of what I am seeing through my eyes, that, I wish she could see herself through my eyes and see the piece of art she is, well. Good morning...

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