Dedicated to you
By Kevin's poetry |05 February, 2020| 269
Why should I sleep when I'm living the number one dream?She was the
best dream that happened to me.Many a times I could worry if the
dream would happen but now its a happy ever after.Dream Come
We can't predict the future,
But that doesn't stop us from dreaming,
And dreams do come true.
I had a dream,more ideal,
To be with you now and then.
In my dreams,I ran for a butterfly,
It went fast and i ran faster,
I couldn't bear it'll escape.
I opened my hands and caught it,
Fortunately, I didn't press it tight.
I smile everyday I see the thimble,
And when she asks why?
I say the thimble reminds me of you,
The long race i ran,the risks I took.
Now I cant wait to start my day
You're the reason I wake to start the day
And why should I sleep
When I'm living the number one dream
Finding a true love is a dream come true...
As we walk and hold hands,
In this serene yet beautiful silence,
I'm grateful for all the memories we created.
All the memories we are yet, as we watch the moon,
From the wooden window of our room.
Just like the weathered plants that await the warm ray to sprout,
You are the dream that came true.