By Miss beautifullyflawed |05 February, 2020| 513
They would discuss how their husbands want to marry a second wife and how it is a good idea because the “small wife” would help around with the chores
I actually do admire their generosity when it comes to honoring and submitting to their husbands.
I paid attention
I was devoted
I was everything a wife was supposed to be and did everything he asked for
Because I was taught to serve my husband
By my aunts,or should I say,the women of the village
Those who were raised by the society
Those who would make the society their business
Those who would wake up early to make their families fermented porridge for breakfast
Then they would head to the shamba to care for the crop which would feed their families after which they would return home at noon to prepare lunch before they head out to Mama Tom’s compound where they would share a cup of tea and gossip
They would discuss how their husbands want to marry a second wife and how it is a good idea because the “small wife” would help around with the chores
I actually do admire their generosity when it comes to honoring and submitting to their husbands
They would then discuss about how Wacera was seen walking with Kagwe past 6 pm and how she sways her waist while walking simply because she is developing her womanhood
They would discuss about how if Wacera’s mum is not careful,she will turn out like her cousin Noni
,who is living in her parent’s house with three children all with different dads
“Or maybe that family is cursed “
They would conclude as they went about with their business or should I say other people’s business which they have made their own?
These women also say that if your man beats you,it is because he loves you
They say that the husband should always come home to freshly prepared meals and he should never step into the kitchen
Because the kitchen is a woman’s place
They supported his infidelities with claims that I wasn’t doing enough
They also said it is good for our marriage
That it would improve our sex-life
They also said it is because I am not able to give him a child
That our marriage wasn’t successful because children complete a marriage
I remember his promise at the altar
That I complete him
And that he will stand by me in good times and bad times
The bad times in our case would be the nights when he mercilessly hit me over and over
Those nights when I was helpless
The nights when I bled out and lost a child,or two...or more
Right there on my bedroom floor
While he turned and snored in bed
The nights when I was traumatized and suicidal over the thought of spending one more night next to him
I knew that I deserved better
But I don’t know how to be alone
Because you
And the women from my village
Planted this seed in my head that I needed you
That I cannot walk out of a marriage
That I will have failed
Especially because I am the ‘problem’
But I walked
Chose life
To live
WRITER: Miss Beautifullyflawed