By Mwangi K(IX) |28 January, 2020| 1,185
If I had the power to go back in time I would teach the little me that he has always had what he needed
for a holiday.
A Candle lit dinner date, a tour to the most iconic sites in the world lets say Paris or Dubai, five star hotel
where you have access to all services like room service!,I’ve always wanted to order food from my bed,
this happens to be one of the things on my bucket list.
If one was asked to describe a dream holiday these would be among the descriptions for almost
everyone. But what makes a holiday? Is it the experiences you get to try out or is it the people you get to
be with during these holidays?
…For what’s money without happiness, or tough times without the people you love
~ J Cole.
Since childhood I’ve always told myself that I’ll one day be rich and go to Mombasa to have fun at the
beach, to me this was my dream holiday. However as time passes you get to visit these places and you
realise that you need to unlearn everything you’ve ever been taught about life.
Don’t get me wrong, having these experiences is awesome and dreaming about them is very much
allowed, these are the fine things that life has to offer and it would be unfair if you didn’t get to
experience them.
However these adventures do not necessarily qualify to describe a holiday, this is because it is the
people that matter more than the experiences.
If I had the power to go back in time I would teach the little me that he has always had what he needed
for a holiday and that is family. I always enjoy any time i get to share a meal with my parents and
siblings, to reminisce on our childhood experiences, laugh and realise how far we’ve come. This has and always will be my dream holiday.
WRITER: Mwangi K(IX)