

By Marcos |22 January, 2020| 296


Getting into trouble is fun when it involves your friends. The aftermath however makes you
weigh your options, continue being a boy or man up and get a wife!

There’s no better way to spend your weekend than being among friends who’ve become family. Friends who you have grown so fond of that they have become an addiction. And this is exactly how I spend mine. So Stivo, Jowie, Mash and I have come up with this routine where we go to the club on Friday, crash at Jowie’s place( aka our G’s Spot- the OG spot don’t be perverted) on Saturday and go to “Mung’etho” on Sunday and if we are privileged enough, watch an EPL match- I’m an Arsenal fan by the way. Of course hangovers diffuse to Monday but I don’t mind spending a “parte after parte” weekend with the trio and spending my Monday dizzy, depressed and being lectured by my boss.

After so much planning we finally decided to take our guy’s only trip to Kikopey- for some nyama choma and some crates of iced beer as we celebrate our international men’s day. So Jowie picked me up on Friday and we departed soon after. I sat at the front seat with him while Stivo and his crew drunk their “mzinga” at the back seat, this of course wasn’t the plan. As they say, unalewa aje mchana? (You don’t get drunk during the day). But they had become tipsy by the time we were in Gilgil and passed out by the time the rubber hit Naivasha.

We arrived at Kikopey at exactly noon and headed straight to business. “Ongeza ingine juu ya meza,” we kept ordering for more until some Mama commented, “Hawa vijana wa Nairobi wamepata mshahara, sasa hatutapumua?” Okay- Mama hold it right there, first of all we are not from Nairobi and second of all, it was Stivo’s first loan not ‘our salary’. She kept giving us this hawk-eye until the meat was no longer tasty- it was time to get away from this old folk.

Stivo took the bill and boom, the fool had forgotten his wallet! Now the “kuchonga viazi and kuosha vyombo” part doesn’t bother me as the hysterical laugh our Mama gave us. I mean the laugh was so personal, the kind of laugh that gives someone some mommy issues.

That was the weekend for me, and Monday has been hell for me. Dear diary, I think it’s time I got a wife.


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