Guess how much I love you


Guess how much I love you

By Innocent |21 January, 2020| 237


My love bring your shattered dreams and I’ll bring mine because the only way we will last forever is when we are broken together.

For I will always love you.

Dear Love

On the good days, I will love you to the moon.

On the bad days, I will love you to the door.

On the brighter days, I will love you to the end of the sun’s rays.

My love on the  rainy days, I will love you till its last drop.

On your darkest moments, I will love you.

And in your happiest, I will love you as well.

I will love you when you cry and when you laugh.

I will love you when your craziness kicks in or when you are calm like still waters.

When things get tough, or you get tough, I will love you.

Dear love, when people make you change or circumstances make you change, I will love you.

You do not need to second guess yourself or be someone you are not meant to be.

Just remember, that I love you.

 Question is love … will you accept the love? Or will you let yourself drown into your self-doubt cocoon?

 Will you accept to be buried in your insecurities and confusion?

My love bring your shattered dreams and I’ll bring mine because the only way we will

ast forever is when we are broken together.

For I will always love you.

WRITER: Innocent

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