A letter to my past self


A letter to my past self

By COCO |20 January, 2020| 375


I really wish I could go back in time and tell likkle me that eventually everything will turn out great. That she was the strongest person I know and I am so proud of her.

Dear past self
You have so much to figure out. You’re shy, but you have a big personality. You're artistic, but can’t find a way to express it. You’re passionate, but haven’t found your voice yet. At times, it will all seem ridiculously confusing.
Keep persisting.
Life is hard. It always has and always will be. You are going to feel loved and hated , joy as well as sorrow. Scary and frustrating situations are going to be thrown at you and you will have to learn how to deal with it. As of right now, though, you don’t know how to deal with it. You think that it will be like this forever. It won’t.
The relationships and friendships you have now may not last for as long as you thought they would. It’s okay. People come in and out of your life just as they are supposed to, and you will learn lessons from them, both good and bad. Release the toxicity from your life without resentment. They will always be a part of you and your identity formation; never regret that. Understand that sometimes people grow apart, even though you may not want them to. Sometimes, you will have to prioritize your personal growth and progress. That growth will invite new people into your life who are empowering and encourage you to be a better version of yourself.


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