

By Lynne |20 January, 2020| 436


I think its turn to stalk myself; perhaps I'll find me. When you dig a trap hole for your neighbour, make
sure it is not too deep for you to get out of it. And in going after what you want, make sure you don't
lose yourself.

I was just going through my explore on Instagram and I saw this guy on a picture with a local celebrity. They happen to work at the same place. Of course he was tagged in the picture and I tapped on his name (k_ariuki). I was blessed by his feed and I left. I formed a habit of checking his page frequently and showing him off to my friends. I followed him sometime later. I could buy data specifically to log in to Instagram to view his story. His bio said that he was Christian but the choice of words made him look more interested and serious with his salvation and so was I. He posted quotes and verses and shared stuff that I related with. We happened to have the same taste in songs too. He also posted his pictures with his friends. I noticed there were specific people that appeared on his photos. But who is a stalker? I went to each one's page and followed some. I went through all the pictures he was tagged in and subsequently the pages of those who had tagged him and on and on as the thread lasted. There is this girl, Cera, who loved putting on yellow clothes  or rather her outfits had a touch of yellow. She seemed pretty interesting and "happened" to have been in a book club I would later join.

His page always had everything sugar and spice. I am ashamed I got ideas of places to hang out from him feed and stories, some of which I went to.

I met Cera on this jazz event that Karuiki had posted. Kariuki sadly wasn't there. Cera and I became "friends". (I did this intentionally because she was my closest link to Kariuki). I joined this book club from Cera's page and was certainly surprised to see her. We hung out more often where I would definitely draw information about Kariuki that I was so much into, especially after I realised he deleted his Instagram account. I missed him honestly. Cera started inviting me to many events including church and business exhibits, that I would religiously attend in hope that I would one day meet the one my heart aches for.

Cera and I grew so close in no time. When I slept over at her place this night she opened up about how she had been heartbroken about a month ago by Kariuki and that that was the reason he deleted his account. To be honest I wasn't sad and if anything that was somewhat good news to me. I was sympathetic to my girl who I had grown so much attached to, though. I had never seen her cry before but this touched me because I honestly totally relate with heartbreaks. We talked about it and hugged for long as we struggled to eat our popcorn. At about 3 am she had cooled down a bit and we opted to watch some comedy. I was thinking of how I would also be there for "our" friend Kariuki who was definitely also going through some rough time when Cera and I had our first kiss.


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