Expectations Reality and Love


Expectations Reality and Love

By Felix |20 January, 2020| 347


In today's article I wanted to share with you the expectations and fantasies most of us come across about finding love or dating and what actually happens in real life aka 'kwa ground'.Grab whatever it is that's going to make you comfortable and not distract you as we jump into it,shall we?

I believe we all have expectations, fantasies and imaginations when it comes to our love life and future in general. Whether that's the way we end up finding that ‘special’ someone or simply the way we envision our future with that person,that's a different story all together truth is though,we all have some sorts of unsaid expectations. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with it unless we get too obsessed into these fantasies.

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who assumes that I’ll meet someone while I’m running errands, drinking my hot chocolate at a coffee shop or when I’m simply walking in the street. I definitely think the reasons why I have these thoughts is because of watching too many unrealistic movies shuuuhh!Most people expect to date or find their partner while they are still in school/uni. Even writing this sentence makes me cringe so badly because there is no way you could find the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with when you are still studying and growing as a person.

Don’t get me wrong, there are some who end up marrying their high school and campus sweethearts, just the other day my ex class mate married a girl he met when we were in our 3rd year of study, some people get into a serious relationship with someone who was just a peer/classmate but in reality, it doesn’t happen to everyone,there were this two who dated and cohabited for years but now none of them wants to see the other. From where I sit, most boys in high school or uni tend to be not  mature enough to handle and understand relationships which I’m not saying is right but it’s actually the only time when you can be carefree so why would you add too much stress on your plate?

Alot of people expect to find and date the right person the first time round which is once again not a bad expectation to have and I find it quite optimistic but sadly, it rarely happens in real life. The first person you date might end up being the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with but at the same time, she might not be and that’s completely okay as well.There is no such thing as meeting the ideal person right away. You don’t need to put too much pressure on yourself nor the other person. I’m not a believer of love at first sight but I do believe in love at first instinct,funny yeah it's just days a go that I didn't believe in love but hey here I am.

As much as I would love to bump into someone when I least expect it, in real life it doesn’t happen that way. Your loved ones will either be playing matchmakers and set you up on a date or through online dating. It has become the norm nowadays and it’s much easier to find someone who lives in the same county/town as you with websites like Tunda Dating Site than bumping into someone randomly in the street that is if you're praying to just run into someone.

Society puts way too much pressure on young people to find someone and get married before a certain age. It doesn’t matter at what age you get married if at all you're going to nor what you are doing at that moment or even how long you’ve known the other person,what matters is finding someone that I'd say can put up with you unconditionally and compatible and let love find you along the way.


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