Whispers of love


Whispers of love

By Moses Muraya |20 January, 2020| 282


Love never said it would be easy. It never promised to stick to the very end, but Melanie thought she would make it happen. Jackson was  hers or so she thought.

Who can understand the ways of love? Uncertainly and mysteriously people love and live. Jackson *was a dream come true for Melina*. She thought or rather she believed he was the one for her. She gave herself to him. She believed in him and trusted him with her own life. She saw in him the father of her children, the man who she was to spend her days with.

“I don’t know what to do, Melina started,” I cannot believe Jackson left me.” Since they met Jackson was there for her. A shoulder to lean on. They had endured the bad and celebrated the good. Their composed songs together and for each other. “I was obsessed with him, Jackson made me breathless.” They were the perfect pair, they were adored and celebrated by the single, young men and women, who had been so unfortunate in love.

Who said that good things don’t last? “Jackson started complaining. After their second anniversary Jackson changed. He started complaining about everything. He no longer saw any good in me. He grew jealous.” Melina recalled, as tears rallied down her face. She had tried doing everything she could to save their relationship. Asked Jackson to talk things out, but he was unwilling. She asked the deities to give her grace. Jackson, on the other hand, had met a new, pure jewel. And he was ready to give up anything to keep it.

Melina was filling the bucket, but Jackson was busy making holes at its bottom. Melina cultivated, Jackson had moved on to a new garden altogether. It is painful to see one person carried away by the waves of hope and the expectations that something can be saved, while the other person whole-hearted wants it to die off. It is painful to know that Melina will have a rough ride before she finds the strength to move on. It is sad to see Jackson unperturbed by the nightmares he puts Melina though. Who can understand the swift whispers of love? Love is like a flower, its fragrance sweet and appealing when it’s fresh, but which withers so easily if not watered.


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