my dating life


my dating life

By Dennis Menez |13 January, 2020| 594


I am a serial dater and I've always been a serial dater. A serial dater is a someone who moves from relationship to relationship, with minimal time of being single. For example, Taylor Swift. She's the perfect example. This is my story about everything I've learnt from being a serial dater.

I am a serial dater and I've always been a serial dater. A serial dater is a someone who moves from relationship to relationship, with minimal time of being single. For example, Taylor Swift. She's the perfect example.

Since I was 19 years old, I don't remember being single for a time period longer than three months. You may (or may not) know someone in your life who is constantly in a new relationship. All I can ask is that you don't judge them, because you don't know the internal struggle that they may be going through. If you are a serial dater reading this, then you may not even be aware of why you feel the need to always be with someone. I'm here to help.

From 2017 up to now I've been in 4 and a half relationships. You may wonder what is a half relationship. A half relationship, is a relationship that didn't last past one month. Me and the ½ relationship girl talked last year and decide that what we had wasn't a real relationship.

I've been in all kinds of relationships but I will not talk about each and every relationship but I'll talk about what I've learnt in my numerous encounters. Trust me I've learnt quite a lot.

You see, I always jumped from one relationship to another, but I didn't realize that I was doing that. I was instead under the impression that I was just lucky when it came to falling in love.

As a serial dater, I may not always be in relationships, but there will always be the potential for one. The potential next chase. The thrill of the chase was exhilarating.

My dating life has been a really good one. I've always been that guy who is hunting for new relationships, and I'm never truly happy alone. It sucks, because it has been long since I was independent.

The three month mark after my last relationship ended was coming up and I was talking to a new girl, which had been typical for me, so I thought "Well, next relationship, here I come".

The thing about being a serial dater is that I always felt something was missing. I always hated it when relationships came to. An end. I would close up for a little bit then easily open up, trying to distract myself from the previous relationship. I was always willing to find love and fall in a love again, and again, and again.

As a serial dater I was usually stuck in a relationship cycle. What I needed to realize is that healing takes time, and it takes a different type of vulnerability. Being single didn't mean that I was going to be alone forever it just meant that I was going to be in a relationship with myself.

I realized that if I continually dedicated myself to other people it would drain me. I'm not an accessory or a counselor. I don't owe anyone anything. People will always come and go, but the only person I'll indefinitely live with for the rest of my life is ME.

It took me a couple of months to get over my last relationship with the lady that I thought I was going to have a real future with. It also took me a lot of strength for me to realize that I needed to stay single for as long as I can truly can.

So to all the serial daters, you will find love, just love yourself first.


WRITER: Dennis Menez

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