all odds love wins


all odds love wins

By Charity |13 January, 2020| 398


When relationship gives you the comfort and happiness that no one else has offered or made
you feel, that’s when you develop your own culture, language, tradition humour value and
unspoken rules. That is just recipe of a strong relationship. Life as single person offers many
rewards but finding love gives you greatest reward of all time when the feeling is mutual.

I have spent my life running away thinking I was too young to fall in love until I
realised there is no perfect age for one to be in love. Nice people we don’t necessarily met
people who complete our other half but I came to realise that everyone is perfect in their own
way and sometimes what we are looking for or chasing isn’t something we can barely see at
first sight but it will take us time.
The problem is that, when I first met him, he didn’t appear to my type of guy I had mind. The
feeling I experienced was so magical because I didn’t know what to feel or explain what was
going on or was it that my hormones were rushing time but believe me I don’t regret it at any
cost because it is worthy it.
The kind of guy I was looking for “my dream man” this guy never portrayed that image at
first, that brought to my attention, what is all this about. Every man is accustomed to getting
their way but a woman refusal flaps on their rampart, men are everywhere, I met some along
the way but what I felt wasn’t this strong it’s like common sense left my body that day, haah
not really.
Every parents wants the best for their children. they have expectations of who we need to
bring home, forgetting that something’s we let our heart to decide. They all want this good
looking guy, ooh this tribe, this and that but luckily love wins. He wasn’t fitting in any of my
parent’s description not even a single thing but rules are made to be broken.
Despite the universe making things difficult for us, society being judgemental as if they are
all ‘’perfect” our happiness comes first. I am too young to start stressing about things that
really doesn’t add anything in my life from the look of things, if you getting it.



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