Tragic first love


Tragic first love

By DELANNIE |13 January, 2020| 939


Dating life, just like life itself in general is a very personalized experience. My experience was not one
amazing one for a first love. This might or might not be the case for some people, but regardless it is a
worthwhile experience, an educative one for that matter. For the unlucky ones like I was…theres light at
the end of the tunnel.

Dating is one of the best experiences in life that we all look forward to at some point in our lives. In
dating, people outdo themselves, and if you’re lucky it spills over to marriage. Expensive dates, daily
texts, and calls, random gifts, pda… is the fairytale stage in life and I like most if not all girls were
looking forward to this. In high school, all my peers had boyfriends and they would not hesitate to share
their experiences. I on the other hand had none, therefore all I could do was listen and fantasize. Fast
forward to when I cleared school, I really desired to have my own man to spoil me. The only thing that
really was stuck on my mind was getting a boyfriend.

On a stroll with my only friend in campus, I see a car that not even my dad would imagine driving. Just
when I was about to express my fascination to my friend, this fine man steps out from the car. Not just
from the car, but from the drivers' side of the car. This man was beautiful, a beautiful man. Handsome
cannot emphasize how amazing his looks were. Long story short, I got a boyfriend. A boyfriend that
drove. I bragged about it to the world, it was like I suddenly had a voice and an ego as a plus.

This man treated me like a queen for the first few days. Please take note, we spent no money on those
first few days…..he didn’t even let me enter his car. Oh wait a minute, I didn’t even see the car after the
first day. My troubles started when we took a trip to the fourteen falls. The man asked me to pay, and I
obliged, after all, he was my boyfriend. I spent about four thousand on a trip that was his idea. My
dream boyfriend told me he worked for Google, was a part-time pilot at Wilson airport, a part-time
student of law and worked for the United Nations.

Fast forward to the few dates we had at java that were fully paid for by me, a first-year student of
media. I was at the verge of depression, I had taken loans to finance these dates, while my prince
charming spent no money on me despite his many jobs and multiple careers. My friends, ones I got after
getting a ‘rich’ man dig some digging and found out he was living a fake life. The car was hired and he
was struggling to pay for it. The jobs were all a lie. The man lived with his friend in a single room right
next to the school after telling me he lived in the leafy suburbs. I'll be honest, after this experience, I
never went out on dates with people to expensive restaurants or without money for backup.

This was a sad first boyfriend story for me, but it didn’t stop me from going on more dates and
eventually settling down.



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