Cherish what you have


Cherish what you have

By Reuben |18 November, 2019| 450


Learn to appreciate what you have. Learn that the best relationships are the ones where you don't give up on each other.

One of the key things to staying in love is staying grateful.

When you have something/someone good, don't go looking for something better instead make that person best....

Learn to appreciate what you have. Learn that the best relationships are the ones where you don't give up on each other.

Sadly, we are living in a generation where it's easy to move on and give up when things get hard. Don't do that!!  Cherish what you have, be that story that says “we made it all the way and that's because we never gave up on each other." Or walked away from the love we found. We made it all the way just because we constantly reminded ourselves, every single day of how lucky we are to be with each other.




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