What a Shame


What a Shame

By Tony |05 February, 2020| 310


A poem in prose of hope turned into despair and an undying desire to repair.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

A popular adage that romanticizes the greener grass on the other side.

If wishes came true, you would still be by my side and I wouldn’t feel the void of this divide.

If wishes came true, I wouldn’t have this bitter aftertaste of break up in my mouth like of a cheap whiskey

Looking back, reminiscent of what’s past is like a bad hangover. Not as fiery but still as risky.

Risky to dance with the devil and play with the fire.

If wishes came true, I wouldn’t be a monster and you wouldn’t be a liar.

But here we are, sitting on the fence worshipping shooting stars,

Silently whispering into the sky nursing eternal scars.

You would still use my body like your alibi,

It no longer hurts, at least not as much as the goodbye.

And not just the scratch marks on my back you left like I was a slave.

If wishes came true I would never buy roses nor take trips to the grave…

If wishes came true, my conscience wouldn’t feel so dirty after brushing off feelings.

I wouldn’t be lost between my unfamiliar self and misplaced energy,

I would heed the red flags and escape what’s expected of a prodigy.

If wishes came true, I would throw gang signs out the window and still feel like a savage.

But I’m older now, not that the maturity came with age but with the damage.

I wishes came true, leaving these poems in my words would be cathartic…

But I’m as high as the attic feeling hella lethargic

If wishes came true, things would be the same.

What a shame.


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