Life Mantras


Life Mantras

By Dennis Menez |05 February, 2020| 252


10 years ago, I was a complete idiot. Now, a decade later, I still know nothing, but I do feel more in control of my life. I've been on this earth for 22 years. I wish I could have none this lessons earlier on.

If wishes came true here are some 30 things that I wish I knew growing up.

Struggle Is Good

Never say “I can’t take it anymore.” Say “Bring it on!”

Don’t Complain

Complaining is the biggest waste of time there is. Either do something about it, and if you can’t, shut up about it.

Spend Time With People You Love

That’s your family and best friends. If you don’t have a family, create one. Most people in life are only visitors. Family is for life.

Don’t Start A Relationship If You’re Not In Love

I’ve done this more than once. You kind of like someone and think: “We might as well give it a shot.” Not a good idea. You’re either in love, or you are not. Don’t fool yourself. It’s not fair to you and the other person.

Exercise Daily

A healthy body is where you have to start everything in life. If you can’t build a healthy and strong body, what can you build in life?

Keep A Journal

No, keeping a journal is not for children. It helps you to become a better thinker and writer. “I don’t want to be a writer” you might think. Well, how many emails and texts do you send a day? Everybody is a writer.

Be Grateful

Say ‘thank you’ to everyone and everything. “Thank you for this beautiful day.” “Thank you for your email.” “Thank you for being there for me.”

Don’t Care About What People Think

We all die in the end, do you really think it matters what people think of you?

Take More Risks

Don’t be such a wimp. Seriously.

Pick An Industry, Not A Job

If you want to become good at something, you need to spend years and years doing that. You can’t do that if you hop from industry to industry. Pick an industry you love and start at the bottom. You will find the perfect role for you eventually.

Lead The Way

When you find yourself in a situation where everyone looks at each other, it’s time for you to lead. You‘re a leader when you decide to become one. There’s no initiation or a title. Just a decision.

Things Are Not What They Seem

If something sounds too good to be true, it is. A little skepticism never hurts.

Money Is Not The Most Important Thing

You have to train yourself not to care about money and focus on providing value instead. Also, don’t become too dependent on the stuff you own — otherwise, the stuff will own you.

Be Nice

I don’t mean you should be a pushover. You can be someone that doesn’t take shit and be nice about it. Just don’t insult people, think you’re better than them, or act like an idiot.

Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Life, work, relationships, challenges. It’s all uncomfortable. So get comfortable with that.

Learn Every Day

You’ve got to train your brain to stay alert. You don’t have to read a book a day to learn every day. Learn from your mistakes. Learn from the people around you — be open to what they can teach you.

Rest Before You Are Tired

Even if you love your job, and every day seems like a holiday, you need to take time to rest. You’re a human and not an android, never forget that.

Don’t Judge

Just because people make different choices than you, they are not stupid. Also, you don’t know everything about people, so don’t judge them — help them.

Think About Others

Just be mindful, that’s all. We all have families, bills to pay, and our own issues. Don’t always make everything about yourself.

Give Without Expecting Something In Return

Don’t keep score. You will become a bitter person if you do that. Give solely for the joy of giving. If you get something in return, great, if you don’t, great.

There’s No End Game

We, as a species, just are. Don’t try to figure it all out. Enjoy your journey.

Enjoy Small Things

I like clichés because they are true. Especially this one. You know why? Everyone says they know it, but no one lives up to it. They just chase big things.

Don’t Take Yourself Seriously

Yeah, yeah, you’re an individual, and people have to take you seriously, I get it. But at the end of the day, we’re all a bunch of ants trying to chase the same things. Lighten up.

Don’t Blame People

What’s the point? Do you want to punish them? You don’t do that to people. Also, don’t blame yourself — you’re only human.

Never Look Back Too Long

Reflecting on the past is only good for one thing: Learning.

Avoid Negative Situations And People

You can’t underestimate the impact others have on you. Get away from negativity at all cost.

Invest In Yourself

Skills are worth more than a good job, career, money, and even a reputation. Why? The world always needs people who can do something well. Be that person.

Rely On Yourself

Because it’s the best feeling in the world to know you can figure things out by yourself. But don’t overdo it. Ask for help when you need it.

Create Something

Not to leave a legacy, you won’t be here to see it anyway, but to be of use. Make music, write a book, build a table, anything. You’ll feel good about yourself, plus you give something back to people to use or enjoy.

Take Action

Don’t just sit there, do something. Without action, there is no outcome.

These are just simple life lessons I should have learnt earlier on. If I knew them earlier life would have been awesome.


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