

By Mwangi K(IX) |05 February, 2020| 610


People often wish for world peace, I also wish of a world without wars, We may not be perfect but we
have values like kindness, empathy and the stongest of them all, love. This is part of our humanity which
can realise this dream.

Ever wondered what the world would be like if wishes ever came true the minute you wish for something?

I’ve asked myself this question several times and I’m proud to say that I have an answer, perfect! , the world would be a perfect place. Don’t we all wish to live in a perfect world?

Think with me, a perfect home, financial abundance and a perfect marriage or partner. Who wouldn’t wish for such a life? Life would be so easy, you’d never need to break a sweat to get or achieve anything that you want because wishing would be your best friend.

However, a perfect world would lack a lot of virtues and values, think about it, human beings are not designed to be perfect that is why the whole notion of ‘I wish’ is part of our thinking, we wish to be perfect. The human race has spent a lot of time, energy and money trying to achieve perfection not realizing that we are gradually losing humanity in pursuit of this ‘perfection’.

But what is the fun in having a perfect home without experiencing the hardships and patience that comes with building one? , or financial abundance without learning the lesson of what it means to lack? , does a perfect marriage or partner even exist? Or do you have to kiss the frogs until you find the one?

If wishes came true then we would be contented human beings without the knowledge of our full potential because we would be driven by mere desires of our being. We would also lack the human touch towards one another, everyone would be living by themselves because no one would need anything from anyone. Why do I need you when I can wish myself out of a situation?

People often wish for world peace, I also wish of a world without wars, but what are we doing to realize this dream? We may not be perfect but we have values like kindness, empathy and the strongest of them all, love. This is part of our humanity which can realize this dream.

It’s okay not to be perfect, we learn through mistakes, and these mistakes are part of the human design, that is why at times we hurt people, get hurt and feel the pain that comes with our imperfections because it is these same imperfections that make us perfect human beings. I wish we all knew this.

WRITER: K(IX) Mwangi

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