Dating Life with tunda > Acrchive

the grand collision

By Kanyasya |14 January, 2020| 1,317

This is a personal story about my current journey through campus dating life. It describes a journey from the very beginning of my relationship with the one true actual serious boyfriend. A journey that involves, experiences tough lessons learnt, and even a shift in my perspective on dating, on having a relationship that actually works, and fills you with joy and genuine purpose. A story shared with a purpose in heart to bring a shift in what dating looks like in this current generation, from complicated, to an experience that brings about growth, fulfillment and true happiness.

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the girl they left behind

By Natty |14 January, 2020| 322

The beauty of life is the uncertainty of tomorrow. To date, she still hopes that one day she will get the right person who will claim her, forever this time. Dating the wrong people has seemed to be the cup of tea for most people. Intimate relationships are a human nature and everyone always has their own story to tell. Some will do one person and settle(the God's favorite) while others have Tom, Dick and Harry before finding their perfect match. This is the journey of a campus girl who hasn't still been able to figure it out yet. Could she be the problem? 

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so far so good

By Felix |14 January, 2020| 533

Sometimes expressing what we feel can be a bit of work especially when you have been made to believe that feelings might not be all that you thought there was,you feel lied to all your life. But how about we look at the positives from love and dating and not all about pain and agony at least for now for me,so far so good.

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